According to a recent survey, 26% of adults living in the United States say they are constantly online. This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise since access to the internet is woven into almost everything humans do.

If you have a business, you should be using this statistic to your advantage. There’s no denying the fact that the more marketing you do online, the more people you’ll reach.

First, you should learn different types of marketing ideas so you can get started. The more you do right now, the more your business will grow, so let’s get started. Read on below.

Engage on Social Media

Social media icons on phone

If you’re looking for things that you can do right at this moment to boost your business, social media is the way to go. Not only do you have access to it at all times, but it’s also one of the best places to market a business.

If you don’t already have business profiles set up, it’s time to do so. Make sure you add your company’s website so potential customers can easily find it.

Choose the social media channels that make the most sense for your business. Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn are the most common, but you may want to create profiles on Twitter and TikTok as well, depending on what products or services you sell.

Once you become established on social media, it’s time to engage with the community. When followers comment on your posts, comment back. Use hashtags to draw in potential customers.

Along with this, one of the best marketing trends is creating social media contests, which can generate more engagement. Ask a question and offer the first person to get it right a coupon on your services or a free item.

Another excellent strategy is to tag people and brands on social media that could bring you a new audience. Engaging with loyal customers, influencers, and associated brands are all sure-fire ways to increase your organic traffic.

Publish Informative Content

Writing guest posts

Creating killer content is on the top of the list when it comes to innovative marketing strategies. Your business should already have a blog on its website, but if it doesn’t, this is a sign to create one.

Since you’re looking for marketing ideas that you can implement immediately, you’ll find that creating a blog is your long-awaited answer. It’s easy and free to do, and you probably already have some ideas you can jot down to get started.

If you aren’t sure where to start, that’s okay too. You want to create a blog for your business to show yourself as a professional in your field while also driving traffic to your website. If you do it right, your blog can do all of that for you and more.

Your blog posts should provide informative content that your audience will leave remembering. It should be helpful enough that the reader can leave and do something with the information.

You can do both short-form and long-form content as long as you include SEO tactics as much as possible. For example, you’ll want to have the right keywords in the right places.

If creating and running a blog seems too overwhelming, you can look into content buying. With this, you could either hire freelance writers to write blog posts for you, who you would then still need to manage or hire a content writing service who would take care of everything for you.

Whether you decide to write it yourself or outsource it, the most important thing is to create content consistently to keep your blog as high ranking as possible.

Create an Email Marketing Strategy

Email marketing isn’t a new strategy, but it is one that has been proven to work. Chances are, you haven’t spruced it up in a while, so this is another great idea that you can do right away.

Take a look at your e-mail analytics to see your weak and strong areas. Consider using a reliable subject line generator to ensure all of your subject lines are catchy, and make sure you have an offer at the end of every e-mail.

If you want to increase engagement, consider adding bonus content or a coupon for subscribing. There are tons of free e-mail marketing services, so this is a step that you can take no matter where you are in your business journey. Additionally, running a DKIM validation test can enhance the deliverability and security of these e-mails.

Apply for Business Awards

Many people do not put their marketing efforts towards applying for business awards when they should. Most industries have business awards that you can win, which allows you to place a badge on your website and in the window of your brick-and-mortar store.

This shows you as a credible business and gives you free marketing exposure, which means more customers for you. You can put the winner’s badge on all of your promotional material, so whoever sees your business knows it’s the one to beat.

Explore the Different Types of Marketing Ideas

There are so many different types of marketing ideas that you can deploy right now; all it takes is getting up and doing it. This list is just the start of what you can do, so if you’re ready to put in the hard work, your business is prepared to benefit from it.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to marketing a company, so whatever you decide to do, make sure you can do it for the long term. If you’d like to explore more lifestyle articles, check out the various sections on our website!