Have you ever been in a situation where you realized your e-commerce platform was no longer enough for your needs? It happens to a lot of online retailers as their businesses expand and evolve. Upgrading to a better platform is often a necessary step to accommodate growth and not let the competition outpace you. But how do you do that?

If you want to replatform but don’t know where to start, keep reading. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of replatforming in more detail and offer some expert tips for a smooth transition.

Why Should You Leave Your E-Commerce Platform?

Replatforming is sometimes inevitable. Even the best e-commerce platforms can sometimes become outdated, stop meeting your needs, or go out of business, leaving you with no choice but to look for a new one. Here, we will discuss several different reasons when and why you should consider looking for a new platform for your online store.


It no longer meets your business needs.

Every successful business grows – some with a steady pace, others rapidly and unpredictably. As your online store grows in popularity and you start offering more products or services, you may realize that the platform you are using is no longer enough for a larger operation.

The platform may have worked great for a small business in its early days, but it does not have the capacity to handle the increased traffic, high number of transactions, or complex features that you may need with the expansion of your store.

Magento platform doesn’t stay the same and there are new front-end solutions like Hyva, Breeze, etc.  that improve website’s core performance. These changes can be introduced into your website swiftly and bug-free, but to ensure that it’s better to partner with a company that provides Magento development services for 5-10 years and knows the platform ins and outs.

No one likes to spend more than it’s actually required, but this is exactly what professional services do – save your time, costs and eliminate headaches. For instance, some stores see 2-3x growth in sales after implementing Hyva. Isn’t it a great goal?

It is getting too expensive

Of course, as your business grows so grow the costs associated to your operations. The more products you add to your shop, the more space and resources you will need to maintain and manage your store effectively. To further improve your business, you might also want to add new integrations, add-ons, or marketing tools; however, doing so will require additional funds.

To avoid breaking the bank, you might want to look for a platform that is less costly but still offers everything that you need – finding one might be easier than you think.

It no longer adheres to industry standards

Every industry has laws and regulations that it needs to adhere to, and e-commerce is no exception to that. The consequences of negligence in that aspect can be severe and range from financial penalties to even legal action being taken against you. To protect your business, you need to ensure that your platform offers enough security measures to keep your customers’ data safe and their privacy protected.

If your platform of choice does not guarantee compliance with the local laws and regulations, you may be putting your business at risk. It is advisable to move to a different platform in such cases.

It does not offer adequate security

We can not stress enough the importance of security in today’s world. Cybercrime has always been a threat to businesses, but with the increasing reliance on digital platforms, the risk has only grown. Upgrading to a more robust platform with enhanced security features can help protect your store and customer data from potential breaches and cyber attacks. It is crucial to stay ahead of these threats to ensure your business’s long-term success and sustainability.

Should You Upgrade to Magento 2?

If you are using Magento, you likely know that the support for the old version of the platform officially ended in June 2020. If you have not moved to another platform yet, we advise you to do so as soon as possible to avoid leaving your business vulnerable longer. While the process of upgrading to Magento 2 can be done without extra help, if you are not familiar with the technical aspects of this platform, it would be better to look for a professional Magento 2 migration services company to assist you.

The Risks of Using an Outdated Platform

While you may think that using an outdated platform is not a big deal, the reality is that online stores that operate on old software are at a higher risk of security breaches and compatibility issues than those that are kept up-to-date. Moving your store to a new platform, or moving to Magento 2, will not only give you an opportunity to modernize your store, but also keep you safer from online threats.

Newer platforms also come with better performance, improved features, and enhanced user experience, the lack of which can negatively impact your store’s chances for success. Do not limit your growth by using outdated platforms, and make the switch to a newer, faster one instead.

Why Magento 2?

Magento 2 (now known as Adobe Commerce) is a favorite among thousands of online retailers. Magento allows for expanding your store as your business grows, and it is one of the best platforms for business owners who plan on scaling their operations up in the future. If you expect business growth, Magento 2 is a solid investment that can accommodate your expanding needs.

Its wide range of customization options remains unmatched, even after years of being on the market. Those that value flexibility and want to set their store up for long-term success will find the newer Magento version a great choice.

If you are still using the old one, you will need to look for a Magento 1 to Magento 2 Migration Service. Fortunately, many reputable companies specialize in moving online stores to this specific platform.

Migration to a New Platform: Future-Proofing Your Store


As technology advances, so does e-commerce. There is no point in being stuck on an outdated platform that cannot keep up with its customers’ growth and industry demands. Whether you operate a small shop, or an international e-commerce business, migrating to a newer platform is a big, important step in ensuring your online store remains relevant and does not fall behind the competitors.

Investing in replatforming will benefit you in the long run, and Magento 2 is a viable option that will serve you for a long time. With all its modern, versatile features, it is one of the best platforms on the market and will ensure the bright future of your online business.