When you purchase one of the available Simple Author Box plans, you will receive an email with all the important information about your purchase.

How to Install & Activate Simple Author Box

The process of activating your account starts with registering to the dashboard.

Create the Dashboard account

    1. Go to https://dashboard.wpauthorbox.com.
    2. Enter your username specified in the email (your email address you used when purchasing).
    3. Set up your password by following the password reset link.
    4. Log in

Simple Author Box dashboard screen

Install the plugin

    1. Download the Simple Author Box plugin by clicking the “Download Plugin” from the left-hand side menu.
    2. Install & activate it on your WordPress site (WP Admin -> Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin).
    3. Open WP Admin -> Appearance -> Simple Author Box.
    4. Activate the plugin with your license key that should be in this format: 12345678-12345678-12345678.
    5. Let the plugin guide you through the setup/onboarding process.

If anything comes up we’re just a click away. The help widget is always in the bottom right corner – in the dashboard and in the plugin, so don’t hesitate to contact us.