Adobe InDesign is a professional desktop publishing software that is widely used by designers, publishers, and creative professionals to create print and digital designs. If you’re interested in trying InDesign for free or with Creative Cloud, you’re in luck – Adobe offers a few options for you to test out the software before making a purchase.

Adobe InDesign Features

Adobe InDesign Features

Adobe InDesign is a professional desktop publishing software that allows designers to create layouts for print and digital media. It is a powerful tool that offers a wide range of features to help users create high-quality design. Here are some of the key features of Adobe InDesign:

  1. Layout and Design Tools: InDesign offers a variety of layout and design tools that allow users to create beautiful and professional-looking documents. These tools include the ability to add and adjust text and images, create and customize shapes and frames, and adjust typography and fonts.
  2. Interactive Media Support: InDesign supports interactive media elements such as videos, audio files, and animations, making it a great choice for creating digital publications such as ebooks and interactive PDFs.
  3. Master Pages: InDesign’s Master Pages feature allows users to create a layout that can be applied to multiple pages. This saves time and ensures consistency throughout the document.
  4. Linked Text Frames: InDesign allows users to link text frames so that text flows automatically from one frame to another. This makes it easy to create long documents such as books or reports.
  5. Preflighting: InDesign includes a preflight feature that checks documents for errors such as missing fonts or links, overset text, and more. This helps users catch potential issues before printing or exporting a document.
  6. Collaboration: InDesign allows multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, making it easy for teams to collaborate on projects and improve team communication.
  7. Integration with Other Adobe Apps: InDesign integrates seamlessly with other Adobe apps such as Photoshop and Illustrator, allowing users to easily import and edit graphics and other media.
  8. Automation: InDesign includes automation features such as scripts and data merge that allow users to save time and streamline their workflow.
  9. Publishing Tools: InDesign includes tools for publishing documents in a variety of formats, including PDF, EPUB, and HTML. This makes it easy to create digital publications that can be viewed on a variety of devices.

How to try Adobe InDesign for free or with Creative Cloud 

How to try Adobe InDesign for free or with Creative Cloud 

Option 1: Free trial

Adobe offers a free trial of InDesign that lasts for seven days. This is a great option if you just need to use the software for a short project or want to test it out before making a purchase. Here’s how to get started with the free trial:

  1. Go to the Adobe InDesign website and click on the “Free Trial” button.
  2. Sign in or create an Adobe account.
  3. Select the plan that you want to try (InDesign only or the full Creative Cloud suite).
  4. Choose your operating system and download the installer.
  5. Install the software and start your seven-day trial.

During your trial period, you’ll have access to all of the features of InDesign, including the ability to create and publish documents, use templates and design tools, and work with graphics and images. However, keep in mind that the trial version will expire after seven days, and you will need to purchase a subscription to continue using the software.

Option 2: Creative Cloud subscription

If you’re interested in using InDesign for an extended period of time or want access to other Adobe Creative Cloud apps, a Creative Cloud subscription might be the best option for you. With a subscription, you’ll have access to the latest version of InDesign as well as other Adobe apps, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat. Here’s how to get started with a Creative Cloud subscription:

  1. Go to the Adobe website and click on “Buy now.”
  2. Choose the Creative Cloud plan that best fits your needs. You can choose a plan that includes just InDesign, or one that includes the entire Creative Cloud suite.
  3. Sign in or create an Adobe account.
  4. Choose your payment plan (monthly or annual) and enter your payment information.
  5. Download and install the Creative Cloud app, which will allow you to install InDesign and other Adobe apps on your computer.

Once you have a Creative Cloud subscription, you can download and install InDesign on your computer and start using it right away. You’ll have access to all of the features of the software and will receive regular updates to ensure that you’re always using the latest version.


In conclusion, whether you’re looking to try InDesign for a short project or want to use it for an extended period of time, there are options available to you. The free trial is a great way to test out the software before making a purchase, while a Creative Cloud subscription offers access to InDesign as well as other Adobe apps. Regardless of which option you choose, InDesign is a powerful tool that can help you create beautiful print and digital designs.