When you have a lot of articles to write for your blog or website, you probably wish to do it as fast as possible while still maintaining the same quality of content. You are not the only one with this problem, as many editors and writers use different techniques and tools to achieve this.

In this article, we’ll go over the top 10 ways to speed up your copywriting process and make it more efficient. So, let’s go.

1. Gather information

Woman writing in notebook

Whenever you want to start writing a new article, be sure to first gather some info on the topic. Take an hour or two to Google everything that you will mention in the article, find images and try to already come up with a few sentences in your head.

As statistics suggest, most writers use up to 70% of their time just to research the topic they are writing about, so you shouldn’t have a problem doing the same.

2. Use a tool

In case you are really in a big rush and need to write an article real fast, you don’t have to worry too much since there are tools made just for this situation.

The one that we recommend is a tool named Copysmith.


Copysmith makes sure that you will be able to write an article in just a few minutes while still maintaining good content quality. You wonder how this is possible? The answer is artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Thanks to both of these technologies, Copysmith is able to write an article for you in just a few seconds. All you have to do is make a few clicks and let the software do everything else. Pretty cool, huh?

This tool claims that, with it, your copywriting will be 50 times faster compared to when you write everything yourself. So whether you want to write an article, a Facebook ad, or anything else very quickly and efficiently, this tool is definitely for you.

3. Proofread

After you’ve finished writing your article, take another look at it from the beginning to the end. Watch out for any mistakes you might have made. Whether those are some simple grammatical errors or just spelling issues, you have to make sure you remove them from the finished article. This can really change a lot when it comes to how your readers view you and your work.

4. Write in a natural way

Person typing up close

You really don’t have to act super “professional” when writing your articles. Remember that your articles are being read by normal people, just like you. Normal people just want to read normal English and get to the point.

If you start using fancy or technical terms, your readers will probably be weirded out and will leave your website real quick.

5. Focus on “you”, not “we”

While writing your articles, be careful about how you talk to your readers. Don’t use the term “we” as you are talking to your readers. Instead of “we”, try using “you”, this will make your readers feel much more comfortable and special when reading your articles since you are talking directly to them.

6. Exploit your competition’s weaknesses

Before writing, do some research on your competition through Google. Look at how they write their articles and where they make mistakes. With knowledge of this kind, you can quickly gain an advantage over your competition, making your work both more fun to read and also better ranked on Google.

7. Know your audience

Two women reading from laptop

As you run your website, you’ll probably get to know your audience better and better, and with the help of that information, you can know exactly what to write about.

So if you are running a blog that women mostly read, you’ll, of course, cover topics women prefer, such as beauty, health, lifestyle, and so on. On the other hand, if your blog is mostly read by men, you will, of course, write a bit differently and cover different topics. Along with this, you should also pay attention to your readers’ age, ethnicity, income, etc.

8. Tell your readers what’s in it for them

When someone sees your article, they’ll want to know what’s in it for them when it comes to reading the article. They want to gain something, information, a discount or a special offer, and you should give them that.

There are lots of ways you can give something away without spending too much cash, but we won’t go much further into that. Basically, if a reader sees an article through which he/she can score something, save a few dollars, or even get something for free, he/she will definitely click on it.

9. Cover yourself

Even though readers love to see an article saying “Get a free X” or something similar, you still have to be fair and make sure you don’t scam your readers since you could face legal consequences because of that. So, stay away from terms like “Free”, “Guaranteed”, “No Risk”, “Hundred Percent”, or similar, especially if you actually don’t offer the things mentioned.

10. Exploit your products’ benefits

Woman using shopping app on phone

Whilst showing your products off (if you have any), you always want to focus on and exploit the benefits of your products. For example, if you are selling a magic face cream, highlight what that cream is good for, how it can make someone’s life better, and how it works exactly.

By doing this, you will present only the best side of your products to your readers, and we all know that after hearing a few good things about something, we instantly get intrigued and are willing to buy it.


After going over all of these tips and tricks, I think that we have all learned something.

Again, if you don’t want to put a lot of effort into writing an article and have extra funds that you are willing to spend, your best choice would be using the tool we mentioned – Copysmith. Why spend hours and hours writing something that will probably come out worse compared to what software can generate, am I right?

With just a one-time purchase of $69.00, you will be able to create not just one article in a few minutes but tens even hundreds more. All you have to do is fill in some details, and Copysmith’s AI will do all the magic for you. It’s really that simple, trust me.